Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin kindly send me a bottle of their excellent Arkh-Angell Storm Strength (57% ABV) Orkney Gin recently to enjoy on my travels so I chose the summer solstice for this.
What better place to review this navy strength gin than at Llyn y Fan Fach (altitude approx. 500m) from where a folklore legend is connected with the lake, known as the "Lady of the Lake" - Llyn y Fan Fach - Wikipedia For this trip onto the Black Mountain in Carmartnenshire, South Wales, I was joined by two Mountain Leaders: Helen Menhinick and Heather Maling, and our objective was to picnic by the lake before heading off to a much more remote part of the mountain to test a new mountain tent. Helen and I regularly work in this mountainous area teaching navigation and mountain skills and further details can be seen on her website Sat by the lake with Helen and Heather for cocktails and tapas style food was a memorable experience on the longest day and this Arkh-Angell Gin is highly recommended. We took advice from Orkney Distilling who produce the gin and their website had suggested a couple of ways to enjoy the gin.
29/6/2022 11:44:38
A really interesting read and accompanied by fantastic photos of one of our spirits! Thank you Alan and team for sharing and we wish you the best of luck on your travels and expeditions!
29/6/2022 15:23:06
Thanks for the comments Anna.
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