Brecon: October 17th/18th for 5 candidatesThe off-site safety management course has been designed to increase delegates’ knowledge, understanding and skills in planning, managing and evaluating the safety of off-site visits in a number of different contexts.
It is intended to meet the needs of groups organising a very wide range of activities both in the UK and abroad. It is particularly relevant to teachers, social workers, expedition leaders and university lecturers, especially those who are responsible for off-site visits within their organisations, such as geographical and biological fieldwork, adventurous outdoor activities and cultural visits. Topics covered in the course are relevant to those operating to the British Standard 8848 - specification for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities outside the United Kingdom. ContentThe course is divided into three sections, each representing a vital stage in managing an off-site activity/event: Planning for the event This section addresses those aspects of planning which must be completed before the group departs in order to ensure the safe management of the event. It includes assessing the needs of the group, arranging the necessary staffing, and undertaking a risk assessment. Managing the event This section addresses the key management requirements relating to group safety during an activity including appropriate actions and procedures required when dealing with both minor and major incidents and contingencies. Evaluating the event This section addresses the essential review of the whole event that must be carried out to effectively improve future planning and practice.
2021 OnwardsFollowing on from retirement, more time will be available for hill and mountain walking on a personal basis with friends. Categories |